The highest European volcano: the Etna.
Mount Etna is an imposing cone of a volcano contiguous to the Jonian sea on the east, to the plain called “Piana di Catania” on the south and the mountains chain of Nebrodion the north and the west. The volcano is 10.925,20 feet in height above the sea-level, the diameter of its base is about 99,42 miles, in length, the perimeter of its base is 160 km. in length, the lava flow, originated from it, covered 1250 kmq during 600.000 years.
Nowadays, in the upper part we find four active craters that continuously gas, vapour and ashes, and that often fling up intermittently tatters of magma at high altitude. The Central Crater, called “The Chasm“, is biggest one, its diameter is more than 500 metres in length. In 1911 the so-called “North-Eastern Crater” took rise from the subsidens of a part of the eastern hillside of the Central Crater, it is situated at 3100 metres in altitude. In 1968 arose the third crater, named “New Mouth” or “South-Western Mouth“, the latest one is the “South-Eastern Crater” arisen, in 1978, from a small subsidence of the south-eastern hillside of the central crater.
Etna offers various attractions and tourist structures, such as the skiing system and the wonderful golf course.